Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 171: Homicide First. Nap Later.

"I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time."

Yes, I've sketched basically the exact same thing multiple times before. But I'm tired and had almost no time to draw anything, and this is my go-to sketch. It's hard to try to create something that will look good when all you really want to do is take a looooong nap!

The real work of art that I created today was a fake murder for my forensic serology class. I think it came out great! I didn't think to take a picture when our "victim" was still here (the "wound" on his head also looked great), but I did think to take some photos right before we cleaned up. 

The victim was struck with a hammer:
 And then crawled a little ways...
 And then died. The victim's head was lying right about where the hand print is in this picture:
Here's one picture that my professor took of us preparing the victim. You can't really see the wound we created in this picture though.

I'm so proud of our fake murder! (Is that weird?) 

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