Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 246

I don't know if it's from exhaustion or spending all day in the sun without sunglasses, but my eyes are killing me! And attempting to draw something certainly does not help with that.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 242: Emma Stone

"I like to look like a person. It drives me crazy when you see women in movies playing teachers, and they have biceps. It totally takes me out of the movie. I start thinking. Wow, that actress playing this part looks really great!"
-Emma Stone

I've never been able to decide whether or not I like Emma Stone, but she has an interesting face, which makes her interesting to sketch.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 240: Emma Watson

"I used to look back at pictures and cringe but actually I'm quite proud that I've had fun with fashion and don't always look perfect."
-Emma Watson

I think Emma Watson has one of the prettiest faces of any person in the world! So I had a lot of fun drawing her portrait (pre-pixie cut...I love LOVE the pixie cut on her, but it's just easier to draw long hair).