Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 1: Self Portrait

"We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be."
Jane Austen 

It's DAY 1 of WEEK 1 (Theme: People). 

And we're off! I decided to do a self-portrait for the first day. Not very creative, I know, but I still think that the idea of self-perception is an interesting one. I did base this drawing off of a photograph that I was looking at, but one of my goals is to eventually be able to see something in my mind and be able to translate it onto paper. At this point, I can only produce something even vaguely familiar if I have something I can be looking at directly. 

And while on the subject of artistic goals, I would also love to learn to use different mediums other than just pencil. Part of the problem with that could be that I simply don't have any art supplies...besides my awesome possum #2 HB Ticonderoga pencil, and my mean green sketchbook that I purchased at the local CVS pharmacy (this is serious artistic business, people).

P.S. You can expect quotes such as the Jane Austen one I used today with all my drawings. I love inspirational/ just plain meaningful quotes. They make me happy :)

There's a first time for everything!

I suppose the first thing I should do is explain what my purpose is in creating this blog. There are multiple reasons why I'm doing this.

1. Why not? I've always wanted to create a blog in general, but have never actually gone through the process of coming up with an idea of what I actually wanted to do with it.

"Practice is the best master."

I want to improve my drawing abilities. I am very new to drawing. Extremely new to drawing. As in, the first time I ever actually sat down and decided to really try drawing was just months ago. I pulled out an index card and drew a picture of my brother for his birthday and was pleasantly surprised when it actually looked a lot like him! This was the result:
Since then I've tried drawing a few more times. I've drawn both my sisters and myself, and an updated drawing of my brother:
 I've also drawn a picture of a photo take of me with my dad on the day of my high school graduation that I gave to him for his birthday:
I've drew a picture of Lady Gaga for my older sister to keep in her dorm room (this shot was taken on my phone, not scanned, hence the terrible quality):
and Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow (I think this one's my favorite so far):
I've also drawn Adele on a card I made for my younger sister's birthday:
And, finally, I've drawn a picture of my mom for her birthday (which I should have spent more time on, but it was almost 3am and I wanted to get some sleep):
So basically, I am a novice artist, but wish to improve, and what better way to improve at drawing than to practice EVERY DAY?

3. I think it will be fun! Who doesn't love to take on a good challenge?

So here I go, about to commit to something that I'm not quite sure that I have time for. But I suppose that's the point of making this blog: to get myself to commit to something publicly that would otherwise be so easy to push aside and say, "I'll just do that later." I was originally going to try a 30 day challenge that I saw on another website (I don't remember what it was called), but then I thought, thirty days, shmirty days...a year is so much better. Go big or go home!

To make things more interesting, I've decided to come up with a theme for each week of sketches (52 total, seeing as there are 52 weeks in a year). 

The themes include:

Week  1 Theme: People

Week 2 Theme: Nature

Week 3 Theme: Free Time

Week 4 Theme: Fairytale

Week 5 Theme: High Above

Week 6 Theme: Down Low

Week 7 Theme: Health

Week 8 Theme: Yummy

Week 9 Theme: Celebration

Week 10 Them: Admiration

Week 11 Theme: Night

Week 12 Theme: Day

Week 13 Theme: Comic

Week 14 Theme: Dream

Week 15 Theme: Memory

Week 16 Theme: Destruction

Week 17 Theme: Creation

Week 19 Theme: Whirlwind Speed

Week 18 Theme: Standing Still

Week 20 Theme: Love

Week 21 Theme: Hate

Week 22 Theme: Pen to Paper

Week 23 Theme: Temptation

Week 24 Theme: Indulgence

Week 25 Theme: Puzzle

Week 26 Theme: Solitude

Week 27 Theme: Stress

Week 28 Theme: In the Storm

Week 29 Theme: Obsession

Week 30 Theme: Waiting

Week 31 Theme: Heavy as an Elephant

Week 32 Theme: Light as a Feather

Week 33 Theme: Stiff as a Board

Week 34 Theme: Anger

Week 35 Theme: Fear

Week 36 Theme: Disgust

Week 37 Theme: I’m Not Normal

Week 38 Theme : I’m Extraordinary

Week 39 Theme: Innocence

Week 40 Theme: Guilt

Week 41 Theme: Rural

Week 42 Theme: Suburban

Week 43 Theme: Urban

Week 44 Theme: Fashion

Week 45 Theme: Fame

Week 46 Theme: Fortune

Week 47 Theme: Destitute

Week 48 Theme: Attention Please

Week 49 Theme: Weariness

Week 50: You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Week 51: But if You Try Sometimes

Week 52: You Get What You Need
I got some of these theme ideas from other drawing challenges that I found on the web, and some were just ideas that I thought would be fun or challenging. 
 So I guess that's the basis of this blog...I challenge anyone to join me!