Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 1: Self Portrait

"We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be."
Jane Austen 

It's DAY 1 of WEEK 1 (Theme: People). 

And we're off! I decided to do a self-portrait for the first day. Not very creative, I know, but I still think that the idea of self-perception is an interesting one. I did base this drawing off of a photograph that I was looking at, but one of my goals is to eventually be able to see something in my mind and be able to translate it onto paper. At this point, I can only produce something even vaguely familiar if I have something I can be looking at directly. 

And while on the subject of artistic goals, I would also love to learn to use different mediums other than just pencil. Part of the problem with that could be that I simply don't have any art supplies...besides my awesome possum #2 HB Ticonderoga pencil, and my mean green sketchbook that I purchased at the local CVS pharmacy (this is serious artistic business, people).

P.S. You can expect quotes such as the Jane Austen one I used today with all my drawings. I love inspirational/ just plain meaningful quotes. They make me happy :)

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