Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 78: Sunrise

"We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness."

I'd never heard this quote before I found it when I was searching for quotes for today, but this one really touched me. It just feels so hopeful, and I think that it could apply to a lot of people in a variety of different situations. I think it may be one of my new favorite quotes.

I was just going to practice drawing random things, eyes, noses, mouths and such, but ended up building around the first eye I drew into one picture. This week's theme is dar, and I figured since the day starts with a sunrise it made since to start this week with a sunrise. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 77: Eye Doodles

Today, I've just uploaded a bunch of doodles I've done over the past week in classes. Lately, I've been doodling nothing but eyes. They're just so easy and fun to doodle. The first two are from today, and the rest are from earlier this week. The quotes to go with them are all lyrics from some of my favorite artists.

"I listened with all of my heart,
But was scared by the look in his eyes.
Like he'd already lost the fight,
and there was no hope ever in sight."
-Laura Marling, "Hope in the Air"

"I swear when we touched, I saw heaven in your eyes."
-Brandi Carlile, "Touching the Ground"

"There's a shadow, you can't see my eyes,
And the sea is just a wetter version of the skies."
-Regina Spektor, "Folding Chair"

"Lend me your eyes I can change what you see,
But your soul you must keep totally free."
-Mumford and Sons, "Awake My Soul"

"He speaks with his eyes closed and even though you're not alone, he's never there to be with you.
And you remember when you were young, when life was new and it was fun,
Now every corner's filled with dust...
But you're not coming home tonight."
-First Aid Kit, "You're Not Coming Home Tonight"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 76: Just Another Face

"This is how it works 
You're young until you're not,
You love until you don't, 
You try until you can't, 
You laugh until you cry, 
You  cry until you laugh, 
And everyone must breathe 
Until their dying breath"

-Regina Spektor, "On the Radio"

This quote doesn't have anything to do with the drawing, but since I didn't feel inspired with the drawing today, I figured at least the quote I chose could be something I liked. And I love Regina Spektor! Maybe I'll draw her sometime soon.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 75: Color

"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."
-Marcus Aurelius

Fun fact: I once met someone who claimed they saw auras when they hear people's voices. Mine's purple. I kind of like that. Purple's the deepest color of the rainbow. I think it looks like a cool and calm color. And yet, it has the highest frequency of the visible spectrum and this the highest energy.

I don't like how this one came out. I think what bothers me the most is just that the eyes are not focusing in the same direction. So she just looks like a human chameleon. Weird. Colored pencils are hard!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 74: Sleepyhead

"A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he find himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy."
-George Jean Nathan

I tried using colored pencils for the first time today, and it was really fun! Difficult though. It'll definitely take some practice to get good at it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 72: Stars

"The stars shine brightest only in your eyes."

The new theme for this week, "night" started yesterday. Yesterday's drawing had nothing to do with night, but at least this one does, if only slightly.