Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 22: Snow White

"Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold, a lovely maid I see. Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. Alas, she is more fair than thee."
-Magic Mirror, Snow White

It's officially the start of the fourth week of my blog! This week's theme is "fairytale". I think this week's going to be fun. Today, I drew Snow White. She was always my favorite Disney princess when I was a child. I think my favorite item of clothing was a Snow White dress that I had. Until I outgrew it. What a sad day that was. Thinking back, I must have been a very shallow child because when you think about the storyline of Snow White, it's really quite terrible. A pretty girl who is waiting around for a prince is forced to flee from her step-mother who wants to kill her because Snow White is prettier than she is. But it's okay, every man she meets loves her and she is saved by them in the end. What a great story. Good job, Disney. But she was always my favorite and I'm still a big fan of the movie despite the fact that it doesn't necessarily send a great message. It was Disney's first feature-length film after all!

As far as the drawing itself is concerned, changed some details of Disney's drawings of Snow-White to make it less cartoon-ish and a little more realistic looking. Not like a real person (I don't think anyone exists with the facial proportions that Snow White has, seeing as her eyes take up half her face), but I guess I was hoping it would at least look more like a doll than a cartoon.

And, because I could spare about 5 minutes from my studying, here are a few quick fun facts about the movie Snow White:
  • As I said, it was Disney's first full-length movie.
  • It is based on the fairytale by the brothers Grimm
  • Originally, there was a song titled "Music in Your Soup" written for the movie, but it never appeared in it.
  • Disney won 8 Oscars for Snow White.
  • Before the names of the dwarfs were decided upon, some other names that were considered include Awful, Biggy, Blabby, Dirty, Gabby, Gaspy, Gloomy, Hoppy, Hotsy, Jaunty, Jumpy, Nifty, and Shifty.
  • The woman who played the voice of snow white was the casting director's daughter.

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