Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 23: Allison

"My favorite kind of weather is Halloweentown weather."
-Allison Harvard (Creepychan)

I wanted to do a portrait today, since they're my favorite. When I think of my theme for the week (fairytale), this is the first real person that I think of. She always reminds me of some kind of dark, evil nymph or fairy. Allison is probably one of the most insanely (literally) beautiful people in existence, and has one of the most interesting personalities to match it. She's know on the show for her social awkwardness and her fascination with blood (she says it's pretty). She's so great! And, she's an artist. I've looked at her work, and it's really neat!

Here are some interesting or funny things she's said:
  • "I have a really big fascination with blood."
  • "Yes, I have big eyes. They're on my face. Sorry, they're not going anywhere."
  • "I look like the woodland creature, or something that crawled out of the woods."
  • Another model (angrily): You don't want to go there with me!
          Allison: Where am I going?
  • "[Another model] makes this speech from the staircase, and it's a bit too, like, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul for me."
  • Allison's response to Tyra telling her she used to get nosebleeds all the time as a child: "Jealous!"
  • "I'm really interested in hemophilia."
  • In high school I was sort of introverted. You know, I didn't really hang out, too much, with people."

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