Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 25: Fairy

Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
-G. K. Chesterton

This week's theme is fairytale; I figured I should draw at least one fairy... 

Anyways, here are some "facts" that I found online about fairies:
  • The best time to sight one is in the "'tween" times (dusk, dawn, autumn, spring)
  • Fairies live in places that are not really anything, called shadowlands. This includes places like river banks, a bend in the road, and offshore island.
  • Fairies hide themselves from human eyes using glamor.
  • Signs that a fairy is near include: sudden cold, unexplained trembling of leaves, a whirlwind or dust devil, or a feeling of something crawling in your hair when there is nothing there.
  • Fairies are immortal (although this one confused me- doesn't a fairy die every time a child says they don't believe in them?)
  • Fairies love to dance in a circle and use music to lure a human inside. Once inside, escape is impossible unless a human chain is formed to pull them out from the inside. They also sometimes lure humans to their islands from which there is no escape. Those rascally fairies. 
Can you guess what I'll be doing tonight at dusk? 


Nope, not fairy hunting. Studying for finals. 
And a reminder to all, if you see small, glamorous humans dancing in a circle and love their music so much that you feel the urge to jump right in the middle and boogie...STOP! Think about what you are doing. Unless there is a human chain nearby, in which case, please, enjoy the fairy party.

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