Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 15: Anniversary

"Love knows not what time is."

This week's theme is free time...and I guess my drawing for today is more about just the second half of that phrase. I drew this picture for my grandparents' 50th anniversary, which we celebrated today. I was not going to use it as today's drawing, but seeing as I do not actually have any free time, as much as I wish I did, I am using this as my drawing for today. This drawing is based off of photos of my grandparents from high school. They got married and are still married 50 years later, so I figured the occasion could fall under the theme of time (maybe not free time,'ll have to do).

Also, the picture of the drawing is once again terrible quality because I once again used a photo of it I took with my phone and not a scan of it. Sorry.

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