Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 32: City View

"All cities are mad: but the madness is gallant. All cities are beautiful: but the beauty is grim."
-Christopher Morley

I'm in love with charcoal. It's my new favorite substance. More than chocolate even. In fact, I even accidentally let my hot chocolate get cold because I got so wrapped up in this drawing. And anyone who knows how much I love hot chocolaty drinks knows that's saying a lot. It feels so much more alive and malleable, you can shape it into whatever lines or movements you want to on the paper. Something else that I'm happy about is that I'm relying far less on the pictures that I use when I draw. Today, I used a picture of someone's profile because I struggle (a lot) with getting proportions right without looking directly at something, but I changed some things (such as the facial expression) and I didn't use anything for the background (ooooohh a bunch of boxes...I know, it's sooo impressive). One thing I did not change was the hair style, because I absolutely love this model's hair (I just changed the color; this model was bleach blond). I go home tomorrow for three weeks-ish for Christmas break, and I think over break I'll probably try experimenting with watercolors just to see what happens. 

And, as an added bonus, here's a big doodle I drew on a whiteboard while I was studying for orgo last night:
I'm so glad finals are OVER!

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