Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 98: Flower

"Give me a flower without a name
Give me an unknown, too tall untamed
I'll give you the tree that I finally found
Roots, roots in the air, branches in the ground."
-Lia Ices, "Grown Unknown"

I wasn't sure what I wanted to draw today, but then I saw this photo when I was searching around online and loved it so much I decided I needed to draw it today! (The model's name is Andrej Pejic...and is actually a very androgynous male!) The photo immediately reminded me of the song "Grown Unknown" by Lia Ices, probably because on last season of So You Think You Can Dance, Justin Giles choreographed a group dance to this song featuring a huge flower as a prop. The mood of the song also reminds me a lot of the mood of the photo (which I hope I at least somewhat captured in the drawing). 
I've never been able to tell exactly what the lyrics to the song are, though. They're pretty difficult to understand. And when I looked up the lyrics, I noticed that the cover of the album with this song on it is Lia Ices with a flower in her mouth, very similar to the photo I drew! 

It must be fate :)

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