Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 43: Stairs

Change happens one step at a time.

It's Saturday, which means it's the first day of a new theme. This week's theme is healthy.
Most of my friends (at least the ones that live on the fourth floor of my building at school with me) know that I highly dislike elevators. Not because of a phobia of them or anything, they just make me feel really lazy. So I pretty much always try to take the stairs.
According to a study done by the European Society of Cardiology in Munich (and common sense), people that use the stairs regularly have better fitness, less body fat, slim waitlines, and lower blood pressure. In the study, subjects' blood pressure, body fat, cholestrol, waist circumference, and lung capacity were measured, and were asked to take the stairs regularly rather than an elevator at work for three months. On average, then went from walking up about 5 floors to 23 floors of stairs per day. At the end of the study, the participants had better lung capacity, smaller waists, and lower body fat, blood pressure, and cholesterol. This equated to a 15% reduction in the chances of dying prematurely on average.
So I guess it's a good thing I like to use the stairs regularly. And on days when I've done nothing but sit in class all day so far, it's actually fun to get your heartrate up with a jog up a few flights of stairs. Not to mention the energy conserved by not using the elevator.

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